A night at the Delaware and a perfect fall day riding the Leadville Train

Work seems to be a constant sort of busy anymore and the Labor Day Holiday was no exception. So knowing now that the 4runner was back up and running, it was great to hope in it one Thursday (my Friday) and head to the hills.

I’ve mentioned before to my pals Dan and Nancy about wanting to ride more of the trains in Colorado. So we picked a day in September to ride the Leadville Train. I made the mistake of leaving Downtown with the 4runner during rush hour. But finally past Copper, I enjoyed the open road to Leadville and a great sunset. In town, we checked into the Delaware Hotel for the night. My room was cozy and quite. After a nice dinner we settled in.

The next morning a quick stroll around downtown then Breakfast with Dan and Nancy. Dan’s parents joined us for for the mornings ride. Though not a steam train the Leadville Railroad started out as a Narrow Gage line operated by the Denver South Park and Pacific Railroad, starting in 1884. Covering 151 miles from Denver, it crossed the divide twice before arriving in Leadville.

The day spent riding the train was wonderful. Fall temps and Aspen colors perfect. After not doing much this summer, sure felt great to be out with friends, drive the 4runner and take some pictures.

After work, I headed to pick up the 4runner from storage, then fight through I-25 rush hour traffic. Finally on the open road, I was treated to a nice sunset as I made my way to Leadville. Later that evening, meeting up with friends for the night.

Once in town, I checked into the Delaware Hotel (right off main street). Once settled into my cozy room I meet up with Dan and Nancy for dinner downstairs. After, some much needed rest.

A quick morning stroll around downtown Leadville before breakfast with Dan and Nancy then a train ride:).

A fine fall morning for a train ride.

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An early Fall hike to Pavilion Point

I joined a great friend last Friday for a hike at one of my favorite spots a short drive outside of Denver.

Pavilion Point was a stop along the old grade of the Argentine Central Railroad that ran from Silver Plume to the old mining town of Waldorf and ultimately, McClellan Mt. ( 13,587ft). In the later days of the railroad, they built a pavilion at the top of Leavenworth Mountain where passengers could stay the night.

At 4%, the hike along the old railroad grade is an easy one. As you start the climb, the noise of I-70 quickly fades away and the hike becomes a wonderful stroll the forest. During the summer and fall month’s, echo’s of the Georgetown Loop can be heard. Further up the grade, we found the Aspens to be well into fall with some great color. Once at the top, we spent some time soaking in the views and the weather before heading back down. After, an ale at Cabin Creek Brewery. Then the drive back down. Another Friday in the hills.

Making our way along the old grade of the Argentine Central Railroad. A fine fall morning for a hike.

There are a few mines along the old grade, once serviced by the railroad. Always fun exploring them, while hearing the sounds of the Georgetown Loop in the distance.

Leaves are changing.

More old mines.

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Back up to the cabin with the 4runner

This past Friday, I snuck up to the cabin for the morning. Having not gotten up there all summer, it really felt great, especially since I was in the 4runner. Crazy to think that this was the first time up to the cabin with the 4runner this year…

After picking up the 4runner from storage, I headed up the hill. Crossing into the property sure felt good and couldn’t have asked for better temps. After stopping to take in the views of Mt. Blue Sky, I made my way into the Upper Meadows. First making sure I made a visit to my favorite tree, then a quick visit to the wilderness boundary. On the way back, spent some time at the pond in the Upper Meadows- my happy spot before heading over to the cabin. Was happy to see the folks up at the cabin and Dad showed me some of the summers work that they did. For only being a few hour visit, It was a great time and a good quick recharge after a busy stretch of work.

Definitely looking forward to more visits this fall/winter.

Some fine morning views of Mt. Blue Sky.

Looking North

Just a hint of Fall and Blue Sky in the distance.

So much goodness.

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Slowly but surely, Denver’s 16th Street Mall is opening up

After two long years, Downtown Denver’s 16th Street Mall is finally starting to open up. There’s no easy time to start a project of this size (the Mall was over 30 years old)But Downtown is definitely ready for the mall to open. Construction started shortly after Covid-19 shut down then the George Floyd protests. As they started digging on the mall they came upon an old water pipe lined with brick- old Denver. Adding more time to the project. Finally though this summer has seen a few blocks on the mall open up. Instead of the slippery stones, they’ve gone to brick. Keeping to the original design that Philip Milstien (one of the founders of the Mall) designed. I really love walking up the newly opened blocks on my way home.

Earlie days of construction on the Mall.

Writer Square block of the mall was the first to go under the knife.

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Getting the 4runner back on the road

Over the 4th of July holiday, I went to order some parts from Decator Toyota, as they were having a really big sale. Unfortunately the website wouldn’t allow me to place my order ( I wasn’t the only one having that issue). But working with the parts manager, he secured the sale price through Toyota. About a week later he sent a link so I could make the purchase. The parts arrived last week.

A BIG shout out to my pal The Honey Badger 4×4. With his help and shop space ( Envision Fabrication), we managed to get a new Rack and Pinion/Tie Rods installed on the 4runner this past Saturday. installing the rack seemed to go pretty smoothly. Travis took the 4runner to the alignment shop today and after work meet him to pick it up and drive it back to storage. The drive back with the 4runner felt awesome and great to have it back on the road. Now to make the most of what’s left of Summer!

Time to do some wrenching on the 4runner.

Tie Rods off.

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The Train Trip, June 2024

Even though only three friends from the club joined me, this years Train Trip was a blast and definitely needed, especially after a busy stretch of work. I planned to drive down to camp after work on Wednesday, but decided against it. After picking up the rental from the Downtown Home City location, I loaded up the rental then relaxed for the night. Up early the next day, I headed South enjoying the drive over La Veta Pass before turning West outside of San Luis (Colorado’s oldest town). At the Antonito yard, I meet up with Ige and Dereck. After watching #463 leave the yard, we headed to camp to drop off the rental, then spent the morning chasing the train from Big Horn Wye. After leaving Osier, we spent some time picking up trash along the road back to camp- Ige said there was only a few pieces to pick up… It became a fun game. Then a relaxing evening around camp. Friday we enjoyed another great train ride, this year, riding the train from Antonito. The conductor ended up chatting with us quite a bit during the day, telling us fun stories from working on the railroad. Back in Antonito, we had dinner in town, then another fine night around the campfire. Saturday we chased the train out of Chama. Stopping at the usual spots for photos before turning off on Apache Canyon. Not being snowed in this year, we stopped to air down ( and get a few pics of the train), then headed out on the trail. We ended up befriending John from ABQ and he joined us for the drive. After fording the Rio de Los Pinos below Osier, we hung out again watching the trains. After, we packed up camp and headed for home. I love you summer:).

I ended up taking over 400 pics during the weekend, so a bit pic heavy:).

Views of the Spanish Peaks as I head South. Adventure bound:).

#463 ready for the days run from Antonito, CO.

The rental made it to camp. After parking it, we continued on chasing the train.

At Big Horn Wye waiting for the train and the start of the chase.

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Argentine Pass Clean Up Day #1 2024

Counting 23 vehicles in attendance for our first Clean Up day on Argentine Pass for 2024, would say the day was a success:). Patrick during the driver meeting made sure to say thanks for all the work and hours that the club puts in. To be honest, I never thought I’d see such continued excitement not only from the club, but hopeful new members when I got this trail adopted some twenty years ago.

After the mornings meeting, we headed out for the trail, breaking into two groups. One on the lower Power Line Road that follows the old wagon route and one on the Upper Road, following the old grade of the Argentine Central Railroad- Once claiming to be the highest railroad in the US. It also didn’t operate on Sundays. It was a beautiful summer day to be on the trail. I hoped in with my pal Andy and we checked out the route along the lower Power Line route. After a few fun water crossing and trash clean up in a few camps, we joined the upper group at Waldorf. An old mining town once claiming to have the highest post office in the US. It was also a good spot for lunch. We hung out, enjoyed the company and weather.

Headed back down the hill with my pall Andy. After showing of the new apartment, we headed over to Elway’s for a few drinks to end the day.

At the meet up spot having a pre trail meeting with the Forest Service.

Starting up the trail. We installed this sign/post almost 20 years ago:).

Just as we started along the lower road/ power line road Andy and I turned off down a spur to check things out. After a quick inspection and testing the water of the creek we caught back up with the group on the lower road.

Checking out one of the few campsites along the lower road. We spotted some trash so stopped to clean up the site.

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The Cog Railway and a weekend at the Broadmoor

It’s not often that I get dolled up, addressed to as “Mr.”, or pampered. But this past weekend checked off all those boxes. And it was needed. The last few weeks have been crazy busy at work. So much that I ended up taking a PTO day just to recover.

Thursday afternoon I headed over to the local Home City location to pick up the rental. When I walked in, the lobby was full. Instead of just sitting there and waiting for my car, I went out back and started helping clean cars. Finally getting my rental, I picked up friend and we set off. Only to wait in DTC rush hour. Finally making it to the Broadmoor, we checked in then b-lined it to the bar for a few drinks. After a few drinks, we cleaned up and headed back downstairs. I had the Wagyu Spaghetti for dinner. After dinner, we chatted with some new friends then tucked in for the night.

Friday was a free day. After breakfast, my friend headed for the spa while I headed to Manitou Springs. After a quick safety talk, I boarded the train. The Cog Railway has been a bucket list item for some time. Knowing the amount of money Anschutz put into it, I was excited to finally be riding the train. The scenery was beautiful and the conductor kept the ride and jokes lively. Once at the top, we had a short time to enjoy the new visitor center and views, then it was back down the hill.

Rest of weekend was spent being pampered on and enjoying the Broadmoor. Definitely a nice break from things:).

I headed over to the closest Enterprise Home City location near my apartment to pick up the rental for the weekend. After seeing the front lobby full of customers, I couldn’t just sit there and wait for my car. So went out back and started helping out. After helping clean a few cars, I finally hopped into mine. Afterwards a few steps then we got on the road, only to hit rush hour traffic in the Tech Center.

After getting checked into the Broadmoor, we b-lined it to bar for some cocktails.

Watching the bartenders brand the ice cube for a coctail.

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A fine Friday evening in the Upper Meadows

Managed to finally escape up to the cabin for a bit this past Friday evening. It seems the past two winters have been similar in keeping me from getting up there. Last winter was dental work, this winter moving.

Friday afternoon some friends stopped by and picked me up (4runner is still not happy with a bad Power Steering Rack) and we headed to the cabin. A quick stop for food in Evergreen, we then b lined it to the Upper Meadows. Arriving at the pond, I was one happy camper as the frogs were out in force. A soothing tone to add to my most favorite spot. We spent some time there, listening to the frogs, soaking in the views and enjoying the company. The weather perfect.

After dinner at the pond, we took a quick drive to the meadow below Monkeys Face. Leaving the property, we spotted the gaggle (?) of Turkeys at the gate, then it was back down the hill and back to reality. I hopped on the W line while friends drove back up the hill to Dumont.


Some always fantastic views of Mt. Blue Sky while coming into the property.

At the pond in the Upper Meadows. My Happy Spot. Sorry for the sun glare.

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Cruise Moab 2024. 27th Annual

After taking the 4runner to the shop for an oil change/tire rotation in preps for Cruise Moab, they informed me that the Power Steering Rack had finally gone bad. After having just moved and seeing the bill to fix the 4runner, I decided to wait till after Cruise Moab. So it was on to plan B. Talking with the top boss at work, he made sure I was well taking care of at the Downtown Enterprise Home City location. Bummed to not be driving my 4runner this year, it was nice to know that I was still able to go thanks to work.

Tuesday morning I picked up the rental. After chatting with the guys at the Broadway Downtown location, I loaded up the rental and headed out. Typical spring snow on the passes (Eisenhower, Vail) and an unexpected detour before Eagle thanks to a sink hole slowed the drive down a bit. I’d originally planned a night in the Swell for some solo desert time, but with the rental and delays, pushed on for Moab. Soon I found myself around good company. Enjoying drinks with long time friends. Wednesday I was up early and spent most of the day helping out with registration. Happy to be among friends. Thursday I hoped in with my pal Matt and after seeing the trail he was supposed to lead was only him, we joined up with the Crystal Geyser group. Even though we’ve both been to Crystal Geyser, the trail from Moab would be a first for both of us. Felt great to be out on the trail again.

Vendor Night this year was awesome. Flattered and humbled for all who came buy and bought a Cruise Moab poster!! Always fun seeing everyone and even chatted with the guys from Delta Vehicle Systems about some possible trips:). Friday we had our big Cruise Moab dinner and raffle. Always fun to see the whole event together, lots of people! The raffle was awesome, even if I didn’t win anything, typical… Saturday I hoped in with my pal Kurt and we headed to a friends ranch outside of town. After checking out the progress on the ranch, we headed down the road and spent most of the day helping repair a bobcat. The weather was perfect, the company great and really hard to beat those views.

Thanks to everyone for another great Cruise Moab!

After picking up the rental, I loaded up and headed West. Made it to Moab with a quarte tank to spare.

Made it to Cruise Moab base camp (Spanish Trails Arena). Here Sarah inspects the engine for the best place to cook burritos.

Wednesday morning kicks off Cruise Moab. Already had a big line for tech inspection and registration. Thursday through Saturday are guided trail rides.

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