I headed back up to the cabin this past Friday in hopes of befriending the loggers while they were working away on the property. Unfortunately I was to late in when I got up there as they were already done for the day. So instead spent some time wondering around where they are staging the logs to be loaded on to the trucks to be taken down to the mill in Canyon City. Later in the day, Two friends joined me that night at the cabin and after taking them for a drive to the wilderness boundary with Mt. Evans, we settled in for the evening next to the fireplace.
I had to send my 5DMK4 camera into the shop to get cleaned so I had to break out the 7D for this visit. Was fun shooting with the 7D again.
Staging area for the logs that are ready to be loaded onto the truck. They’ve been taking two fully loaded rigs a day down to the mills in Canyon City since they started.