Having missed last years Train Trip due to dry conditions (they didn’t run the train in June of last year), it was really fun to be back. We had a full group for this years run. Think we had a total of around 12 rigs for the weekend? This run is always layed back. Heck, the train doesn’t leave the yard till 10am. Gives me time to catch the sunrise, then back to bed. To start, we chased the train out of Chama, though this years we weren’t able to chase the train via Apache Canyon to Osier since the trail was blocked by snow mid June. This year for the train ride, the docent we had was hands down the best- thanks Rich for making the day even better! For the last day, we chased the train out of Antonito. Starting at Hangmans Trestle. Was great to cover some new ground along the Cumbres and Toltec. Lava Tank has intrigued me for some time. After Lava, we headed back to camp, the chased the train from Sublette to Big Horn in the afternoon.
Such a great time this year riding and chasing the Cumbres and Toltec!
A great old homestead outside of Mesita. Ute Mountain in the distance.

A wonderfully moody drive through Mesita.

Ute Mountain.