After taking the 4runner to the shop for an oil change/tire rotation in preps for Cruise Moab, they informed me that the Power Steering Rack had finally gone bad. After having just moved and seeing the bill to fix the 4runner, I decided to wait till after Cruise Moab. So it was on to plan B. Talking with the top boss at work, he made sure I was well taking care of at the Downtown Enterprise Home City location. Bummed to not be driving my 4runner this year, it was nice to know that I was still able to go thanks to work.
Tuesday morning I picked up the rental. After chatting with the guys at the Broadway Downtown location, I loaded up the rental and headed out. Typical spring snow on the passes (Eisenhower, Vail) and an unexpected detour before Eagle thanks to a sink hole slowed the drive down a bit. I’d originally planned a night in the Swell for some solo desert time, but with the rental and delays, pushed on for Moab. Soon I found myself around good company. Enjoying drinks with long time friends. Wednesday I was up early and spent most of the day helping out with registration. Happy to be among friends. Thursday I hoped in with my pal Matt and after seeing the trail he was supposed to lead was only him, we joined up with the Crystal Geyser group. Even though we’ve both been to Crystal Geyser, the trail from Moab would be a first for both of us. Felt great to be out on the trail again.
Vendor Night this year was awesome. Flattered and humbled for all who came buy and bought a Cruise Moab poster!! Always fun seeing everyone and even chatted with the guys from Delta Vehicle Systems about some possible trips:). Friday we had our big Cruise Moab dinner and raffle. Always fun to see the whole event together, lots of people! The raffle was awesome, even if I didn’t win anything, typical… Saturday I hoped in with my pal Kurt and we headed to a friends ranch outside of town. After checking out the progress on the ranch, we headed down the road and spent most of the day helping repair a bobcat. The weather was perfect, the company great and really hard to beat those views.
Thanks to everyone for another great Cruise Moab!
After picking up the rental, I loaded up and headed West. Made it to Moab with a quarte tank to spare.

Made it to Cruise Moab base camp (Spanish Trails Arena). Here Sarah inspects the engine for the best place to cook burritos.

Wednesday morning kicks off Cruise Moab. Already had a big line for tech inspection and registration. Thursday through Saturday are guided trail rides.