Counting 23 vehicles in attendance for our first Clean Up day on Argentine Pass for 2024, would say the day was a success:). Patrick during the driver meeting made sure to say thanks for all the work and hours that the club puts in. To be honest, I never thought I’d see such continued excitement not only from the club, but hopeful new members when I got this trail adopted some twenty years ago.
After the mornings meeting, we headed out for the trail, breaking into two groups. One on the lower Power Line Road that follows the old wagon route and one on the Upper Road, following the old grade of the Argentine Central Railroad- Once claiming to be the highest railroad in the US. It also didn’t operate on Sundays. It was a beautiful summer day to be on the trail. I hoped in with my pal Andy and we checked out the route along the lower Power Line route. After a few fun water crossing and trash clean up in a few camps, we joined the upper group at Waldorf. An old mining town once claiming to have the highest post office in the US. It was also a good spot for lunch. We hung out, enjoyed the company and weather.
Headed back down the hill with my pall Andy. After showing of the new apartment, we headed over to Elway’s for a few drinks to end the day.
At the meet up spot having a pre trail meeting with the Forest Service.

Starting up the trail. We installed this sign/post almost 20 years ago:).

Just as we started along the lower road/ power line road Andy and I turned off down a spur to check things out. After a quick inspection and testing the water of the creek we caught back up with the group on the lower road.

Checking out one of the few campsites along the lower road. We spotted some trash so stopped to clean up the site.