The Cog Railway and a weekend at the Broadmoor

It’s not often that I get dolled up, addressed to as “Mr.”, or pampered. But this past weekend checked off all those boxes. And it was needed. The last few weeks have been crazy busy at work. So much that I ended up taking a PTO day just to recover.

Thursday afternoon I headed over to the local Home City location to pick up the rental. When I walked in, the lobby was full. Instead of just sitting there and waiting for my car, I went out back and started helping clean cars. Finally getting my rental, I picked up friend and we set off. Only to wait in DTC rush hour. Finally making it to the Broadmoor, we checked in then b-lined it to the bar for a few drinks. After a few drinks, we cleaned up and headed back downstairs. I had the Wagyu Spaghetti for dinner. After dinner, we chatted with some new friends then tucked in for the night.

Friday was a free day. After breakfast, my friend headed for the spa while I headed to Manitou Springs. After a quick safety talk, I boarded the train. The Cog Railway has been a bucket list item for some time. Knowing the amount of money Anschutz put into it, I was excited to finally be riding the train. The scenery was beautiful and the conductor kept the ride and jokes lively. Once at the top, we had a short time to enjoy the new visitor center and views, then it was back down the hill.

Rest of weekend was spent being pampered on and enjoying the Broadmoor. Definitely a nice break from things:).

I headed over to the closest Enterprise Home City location near my apartment to pick up the rental for the weekend. After seeing the front lobby full of customers, I couldn’t just sit there and wait for my car. So went out back and started helping out. After helping clean a few cars, I finally hopped into mine. Afterwards a few steps then we got on the road, only to hit rush hour traffic in the Tech Center.

After getting checked into the Broadmoor, we b-lined it to bar for some cocktails.

Watching the bartenders brand the ice cube for a coctail.

Been a while since I’ve gotten dressed up.

A morning stroll around the Broadmoor.

Friday was a full day So I got a ticket ( in advance) for the Cog Railway. This has been a bucket list item for some time. I arrived early at the station as stated. A good thing to, as parking is limited.

Waiting to board the train.

Our Conductor giving a quick talk before checking fares.

Minihaha Falls. Higher then Niagara Falls. Punch line at the end, it’s Higher then Niagara Falls elevation wise.

First siding crossing. One of the older Cog trains heading back down the mountain the hill.

Starting to climb up in elevation.

First big patches of snow as we made the climb to the top.

Second siding crossing. Stopped at Windy Point, some 12,000 ft in elevation to let a downhill train pass.

Looking up at the last climb.

Clorado Springs in the distance. Far below.

Some fine views from the top of Pikes Peak (14,115ft)

End of the line for the Cog Railway. Pikes Peak Summit.

Continental Divide in the distance.

Checking out the new visitor center at the top of Pikes Peak.

Lots of snow still at the summit.

Looking back at the new Pikes Peak Visitor Center.

Last morning at the Broadmoor. Went for another stroll. Dad shows some of his art here, at a gallery in the main building. Sadly they were still closed when we left.

Anshutz art collection. An original Charles Russel that we framed back in the day (Step mom ran the frame shop and I worked there for eight years). We made this frame way back when. They added the gold accents later (I personally don’t like).