A fine Friday evening in the Upper Meadows

Managed to finally escape up to the cabin for a bit this past Friday evening. It seems the past two winters have been similar in keeping me from getting up there. Last winter was dental work, this winter moving.

Friday afternoon some friends stopped by and picked me up (4runner is still not happy with a bad Power Steering Rack) and we headed to the cabin. A quick stop for food in Evergreen, we then b lined it to the Upper Meadows. Arriving at the pond, I was one happy camper as the frogs were out in force. A soothing tone to add to my most favorite spot. We spent some time there, listening to the frogs, soaking in the views and enjoying the company. The weather perfect.

After dinner at the pond, we took a quick drive to the meadow below Monkeys Face. Leaving the property, we spotted the gaggle (?) of Turkeys at the gate, then it was back down the hill and back to reality. I hopped on the W line while friends drove back up the hill to Dumont.


Some always fantastic views of Mt. Blue Sky while coming into the property.

At the pond in the Upper Meadows. My Happy Spot. Sorry for the sun glare.

Good company.

Meridian Peak

Looking North.

Marmot Hill.

Monkey’s Face.

Looking North again.