A much needed escape up to the cabin

It’s been two months since i’ve been to the cabin last. Stuck in my apartment/downtown with the Stay-At-Home orders for Denver/CO. Clear Creek County (where the property/cabin is located) finally loosened some of there orders for non residence to stay away. Since we were able to now get back up to the cabin, my Dad and I headed up yesterday to check in on the place and enjoy being up there.

It was almost 60deg when I got to the pond in the upper meadows. With a slight wind and the frogs talking away, I spent a good amount of time there. Can’t tell you how good it felt to to get out of downtown and away from the apartment, even if it was just for a few hours. So majorly needed!! Here’s some pics from our outing yesterday. Enjoy:).

Below the cabin, making my way into the hay fields in the main valley of the property. I always have to stop and get a picture of these Aspens.

Following along an irrigation ditch to get to the mid meadow. Still some snow left around the property. Apparently we got 14′ of snow this winter.

Loved these clouds.

At the pond in the mid meadow. Looking South to Rosedale Peak.

Visiting the horses in the main meadows. They quickly got bored with me since I didn’t have any food.

Back to work and more progress on the blog

While I was out for a walk with a friend Tuesday evening, I ended up getting a call from the boss that there bringing people back to work- not having worked since the 24th of March, this was great news to hear. So next Thursday i’ll be back working. Time to start pushing hard for the new camera and lens.

Sunday i’m headed down to a friends Land Cruiser shop in Delta to do some photography while there working away on lots of restoration projects. Should be fun and looking forward to getting away from the apartment for a bit. Rented a Sigma 17-24 F2.8 lens for this outing.Excited to see what kind of photos I can get.

Proffitt’s Resurrection Land Cruisers

Progress on the Blog:

I’ve continued to get more past trips posted on the static section of the blog. Enjoy:).

7:30 mine hike

Argentine Pass 2005 clean up day

Spooky Night Run 2010

Snow Pizza Run 2014

Chasing the Cumbres & Toltec 2016

Best of the C&TS ’16

Best of the C&TS ’14

Cruise Moab 2005

Outlaws Run 2007 – Our first trip into the Henry Mountains

From my daily walks Downtown, Part 6


Always loved the contrast between these two buildings- 1999 Broadway.

19th and California.


Construction workers taking down the scaffolding at the old Market Street Station.

The new Ballpark Neighborhood, next to Chop House- 19th and Wynkoop.

The Dairy Block.

RTD warnings.

City flowers.

17th and Welton. The pavilion on the right is the Grand Hyatt.


Evening light on the Capital Building.

This made me happy to see. They are open for to go orders.


Felt like the pups expression summed things up.


Was going to make my way towards the Highlands for today’s walk but decided against it. Surprised to see so many folks were out at Commons Park… Turned around and went up the mall instead.

A bit quieter on the 16th Street Mall. Walking back towards the apartment.


Where this worker is cleaning windows, he is at what was once the front door to the Barteldes Building- remnants from the viaduct. 16th and Wynkoop.

16th and Blake.

Progress on the old Market Street Station.

Along the mall.

20th and Blake.


Cinco de Mayo. Even with Stay at home orders still in effect, the mexican restaurants were busy downtown.

Couldn’t get over this gentleman’s expression.

If you see these folks in purple shirts, they are out helping keep downtown clean.

Sunday’s warmth

Went out for a walk this morning only to find a good amount of morning dew on the flowers on the 16th Street Mall (the rain last night was absolutely perfect). Around my building where I live, there planter pots every few feet on the Mall and filled with flowers. Came back out after my walk to snap a few pics- figure since I can’t get up to the hills during all this, might as well make the best of it.

From my daily walks Downtown, Part 5

More pics from my allowed daily stroll.


Weather finally turning for the better.

Civic Center Park closed.

Blue Bear reflections.

14th and Larimer.

Some history of Larimer street (Larimer Square).


Walking up 16th Street Mall towards the Capital Building.

Views from the Pavilions.

Evening walk around Union Station.


Around 17th Street.

One of many murals that can be found downtown. This ones on the 16th Street Mall.

Another evening stroll around Union Station.


Had some fun connections with the Argentine Central Line during this days walk. The ticket office for the Argentine Central was located in this building off 17th and Wynkoop. One could hope on a Colorado and Southern Train (C&S) and after a ride on the famed “Loop”, end up at the end of the line for the Argentine Central at Mt. McClellan- 14,007ft.

Here is a pic of my pal Travis (@honeybadger) and I at the end of the line for the Argentine Central, off the Argentine Pass Road for reference (summer 2018). The second owners of the Argentine Central even went as far as to propose an extension (they got as far as a survey) of the line to the summit of Gray’s Peak (14,278ft), where a grand hotel and spotlight would be built- one could watch the sunset and sunrise from the summit and be back to Denver in time for work.


Took a walk up to Wash Park for a change of scenery ( my friend and I practiced proper social distancing).

The Capital Building a bit quieter this weekend.

Was really surprised to see so many people out- doing the exact things that they were asked not to do.

We watched these guys for a bit.

Tulips still in bloom.

Couldn’t ask for a nicer Saturday.


Along 15th Street.

Looking down and empty 15th street.


Who knows how many times i’ve walked by, but the original site of Denver’s first City Hall (1883-1936).

Denver’s Performing Arts Complex.

The Curtis Hotel on the left with an empty Curtis Street.

An empty Performing Arts Complex.

Walgreens on the 16th Street Mall. Seen this guys a few times now. He kindly waved to me.


17th Street.

Looking down Welton.


From my daily walks Downtown Part 4


Good views of the 16th Street Mall from an empty Civic Center Station.

Went to check out the rally that Sunday. Didn’t stay to long- I just don’t get it, sorry.


Feel like the weather is finally turning for the better. Looking up at the Clock Tower from 16th Street Mall.

Civic Center Park closed down.

Blue Bear reflections.

Another view of Larimer Square.

Lots of colorful history on this block.


Didn’t get any pics from my walk this day. Was a bit bummed out after getting a call from HR that afternoon that I was being let go at the end of the month (4/30/2020).


Another stroll up 16th Street.

Rialto Cafe.

Views from the Pavilioins.

Looking back towards the Clock Tower.

Went out that evening for “howling hour” at Union Station.


Walking up 17th Street towards Civic Center.

Wall art on 16th Street.

Another evening stroll at Union Station.

From my daily walks Downtown. Part 3

More from my daily walks Downtown.


Union Station neighborhood and the Millennium Bridge.

Views of 16th Street Mall from the Millennium Bridge, looking towards Civic Center and the Capital Building.

Nice to have the sun out today.

Sidewalk reflections.


Odd to see Union so quiet.

A new high rise neighborhood next to the ballpark and Chop House.

Could use some wings….

20th & Market.

A moody Clock Tower.


Only pic I got from the April storm Downtown.


View this painting every day from the apartment. Painted by William Mathews- local Denver artist.

Yesterdays Spring storm melting off and another view of Skyline Park and the Clock Tower.

Another high rise on 17th.


Brown Palace.

Back down 16th Street Mall.


Usually a hopping area for a Saturday.

16th Street Mall Shuttle stop at Union Station. Another place that’s always busy.

Millennium Bridge.

16th Street Mall.

From my daily walks Downtown. Part 2

More images from my daily strolls. Took Sunday off and didn’t venture to far for yesterdays stroll with the weather.


16th and Larimer (Cheesecake Factory).

Clock Tower reflections.

Known as the father of the 16th Street Mall.

An eerily quite Civic Center and the gold dome of the Capital Building.

17th and Broadway. Usually one one of the busier intersections of Denver- I was told while at RTD that Colfax and Broadway is the busiest in the state (?).

 Was also the old Spaghetti Factory.


The San Luis Valley- A place I wouldn’t mind being right now….. 

18th and Blake.

 The Ballpark- 20th and Blake. Usually a hopping spot this time of year.

Retro Room. 21st and Larimer. 

Seemed a fitting image for the current state of things.

Wouldn’t mind being back to work right now..


Good time for road work to be done-17th and Blake.

Seems like most of the neighborhood around Union Station has some kind of road work going on.

Looking towards 16th Street Mall.

Westminster line still running.

Need to come back and do some night photography here.

Super quiet at Union Station for a Saturday.


A wintry Monday on the mall.

Always one of my favorite views of the Capital Building.

Could use some social gathering right about now….

An empty 16th Street Mall for a Monday.

More progress on the blog

I’ve been making more progress editing past trips and getting them posted. They are posted as static pages on this site. Usually, if it’s more than a day outing, I break up the report into “acts”. Knowing that I take a lot of pictures and share a lot, this seems to make it easier when viewing a past report. If it’s broken up into acts, you can either click on the act type or the picture just below to read the trip report.

Bill Moore Lake Run

Kingston Peak

Snow Pizza Run 2006

Henry Mountains

Summer 2009

Summer 2010

Georgetown Loop Railroad trips


From my daily walks Downtown. Part 1

Been bringing the camera with me every day during my afternoon walks. Figure it be fun to post up pics every few days. Crazy to see Downtown so empty.

Sunday 4/5/2020

16th street mall.

Mall shuttles were shut down this day.


Oxford Hotel on 17th street.

The Mint Robbery.

17th and Curtis.

The Dairy Block.


15th and Blake.

Larimer Square (so named for General Larimer who built the first residence in Denver- supposedly the doors were made from coffins).

Skyline Park from 15th street. The iconic Clock Tower in the distance- originally part of the old May D&F building.

Denver’s Convention Center.

16th and Welton- my current favorite watering hole is on the corner to the right of me.

Alley art.


A stroll up 14th.


14th and Curtis.

14th and Stout.

Denver’s Blue Bear. Denver Convention Center. At 40ft and 10,000lbs, it was installed in 2005 and designed by Lawrence Argent.

Butch Cassidy:). The other two would have been Matt Warner and Tom McCarty.

16th and Lawrence.