From my daily walks Downtown Part 4


Good views of the 16th Street Mall from an empty Civic Center Station.

Went to check out the rally that Sunday. Didn’t stay to long- I just don’t get it, sorry.


Feel like the weather is finally turning for the better. Looking up at the Clock Tower from 16th Street Mall.

Civic Center Park closed down.

Blue Bear reflections.

Another view of Larimer Square.

Lots of colorful history on this block.


Didn’t get any pics from my walk this day. Was a bit bummed out after getting a call from HR that afternoon that I was being let go at the end of the month (4/30/2020).


Another stroll up 16th Street.

Rialto Cafe.

Views from the Pavilioins.

Looking back towards the Clock Tower.

Went out that evening for “howling hour” at Union Station.


Walking up 17th Street towards Civic Center.

Wall art on 16th Street.

Another evening stroll at Union Station.