Sure had a fun day during the Snow and Burrito Run for 2021 (we switched to burrito’s this year instead of Pizza given the current state of the world). I rode up with my pal Jackson, and Alex was kind enough to get me back home. With almost 40 vehicles, and slick conditions on the trail, progress was slow going at times. It seemed everyone was having a good time, including myself. To be honest, it felt really good to be out on the trail with friends and enjoying the day. My goal for the run was to take pics. I’m usually in the front of the group for that reason, but this year ended up in the back. Either way it was a fantastic day out on the trail with friends from the club.
What my pal Jackson and I saw as we came up to the meeting spot for this yeas run. Almost 40 vehicles!

My pal Scott. Leader for the day giving his drivers meeting.

We had a good variety of rigs on this run.

Was really great to see my pal Treeroot (passenger) and his Dad (driving) on the trail.

Dave made it to the run. We also did a lot of waiting around, not only for the size of the group but also the trail conditions- super slick.

Jackson and Treeroot.

Waiting our turn for the first icy hill climb.

Jackson intent on ruining my shot.

Mike in his clean FJ40 gives the hill a go.


Ken and Treeroot.

At the second parking lot. The hill climb from here fought most of the group.

Couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful day! Could definitely use more snow though!

Alex lost momentum here. So the traction boards came out.

Another really slick section of road. So we used the traction boards to help counter that.

Mike almost made it.

Alex needed a tug.

Just below Yankee Hill. Stopped for a group pic.

Always great views.

Ken and Treeroot coming to meet us.

Of course had to get a few pics of Ken and his FJ40.

And an end to another fun snow run on Yankee Hill.