After Matt, Martin and I got settled being back at the rigs, we left our camp above Grand Island and headed to meet the rest of the group already at camp along the old Power Plant Road.

Dropping back down to the River Breaks along the Power Plant Road.

A nice drive along the Missouri.

Almost to camp and the end of the Power Plant Rd. The old town that served the ferry can be seen in the distance.

Words of wisdom from the inside of a beer bottle cap: “Less pants more Banjo”

Camp next to the Missouri River.

Jackson works on his Trot lines while Daniel Linn works on his Hangover.

Yours truly.

Matt, Martin and I went out and did a little exploring from camp.

End of the road.

That wonderful Missouri River.

Bear scat.

Some of the gang going for a float.

Back around camp.

Doesn’t get much better than this.

Walking around the old town at the end of the power plant road. Lots of fun. A ferry operated at this town back in the day. You can still see the big pulleys from the ferry lying about. Quite a few ferry’s operated on the Missouri River back in the day, now only three remain.

Could spend a week photographing this old town.

Old pulleys from the ferry.

The old town even had a junk yard next to it. So much fun.

Last of the day’s sun.

Campfire goodness.

Jackson and his big catch of the trip.

A Beaver was swimming around the Missouri River that morning.

We even got a game of basketball while at camp in the morning. Matt was definitely a better shot than I.

The old town seemed really well preserved. This old GMC was no exception.

There was quite a bit of activity along the Power Plant Road. On our way out from camp, Matt Ralston and I stopped to check out these old buildings.

After leaving the Power Plant Road, we mad a stop to check out Hide a way Coulee, at the northern end. This is where Kid Curry had his hide out cabin, hidden away in the breaks. Here, Jackson drops down into the coulee.

Matt Ralston.

Daniel Linn.

Kid Curry:
Kid Curry’s old hideout.

Group photo. What’s left of the group anyway.

Back in Hay’s, MT for gas and a refreshing Slurpee. Martin was good to us.

After topping off the tanks in Hay’s, we continued further west into the River Breaks. Staying on the northern end of the breaks. Traveling mostly on open dirt roads with some old ranches here and there for us to explore.

Back at the Missouri River and our first Ferry ride. We crossed the Missouri via the McCLelland-Stafford Ferry. One of three Ferry’s left on the river. The McClelland-Stafford Ferry is maintained by the county’s.

McClelland-Stafford Ferry:

Talking with the Ferry captain, we found out that they usually average 5-6 cars a day for the crossing.

We stopped in Winifred, MT before heading out to find camp for the night. Stop by the tavern for a good burger.

We headed south a bit from the River Breaks to help break up the drive south back to Denver. We ended up in the Judith Mountains for the night. Evening sets in as we search for a good spot to camp.

There is a lot of Private Land in the Judith Mtns, luckily, we were able to find some state land to camp for the night, down a two track road. Shortly before finding this camp, Jackson spotted a Mountain Lion along the side of the road. Once settled at camp, we’d find dead animal bones and fur scattered about.

Pic by Jackson Philby.

Sunrise over camp.

During our drive back south, we stopped at the Little Bighorn battlefield. Custers last stand.

We got a hotel room in Sheridan WY for our last night. Felt good to have a nice bed and shower after a week of camping. We stopped to check out the steam train display the next morning before leaving town.

Also made a stop at Guernsey Ruts, WY.
