Having canceled the Train Trip last year due to the dry conditions (the Cumbres and Toltec ended up canceling the start of the season due to the dry conditions), it felt great to get back down this year with friends from the club to ride and chase the Cumbres and Toltec. Man what a difference a year makes!! With all the moisture that we got over the winter plus a wet spring, things were green and super happy.
I headed down Wednesday after work, making it to our usual spot for camp above Sublette, an old track maintenance town. A few friends from the club were already settled in. Felt great being around the fire hanging with friends from the club:). Thursday we chased the train out of Chama, unfortunately Apache Canyon was still blocked by snow so we weren’t able to meet the trains at Osier for lunch. Friday, we got up early, took the bus from Antonito to Chama then enjoyed a great day riding the train back to Antonito. Rich, our Docent for the day was amazing. Making the train ride that much more enjoyable. Back at camp, we enjoyed another fine summer night around the fire with great friends. Saturday, we chased the train out of Antonito. Hangman’s Trestle was our only photo op for the morning train, as we spent some time covering grounds on dirt roads to get to Lava Tank. After Lava Tank we headed back to camp. A few of us headed down to Sublette to watch the Chama train come in, then we chased it to Big Horn Wye. A mellow night around the fire for our last night of the trip.
Sunday, I woke up early, packed the 4runner and headed out for home. Along the way I stopped at Las Mesitas for Sunrise, then Stations of the Cross in San Luis. A place I’ve been wanting to check out for some time.
A most enjoyable trip with the club riding and chasing the Cumbres and Toltec.
Cumbres and Toltec Scenic Railroad
Act 1: A moody drive through Mesita and the Chase out of Chama

Act 3: The chase out of Antonito