Friday was an early start for the group as we were riding the train. After a quick breakfast, we loaded up in the rigs and headed to the depot in Antonito. With tickets in hand, we boarded the bus for the short ride over La Manga and Cumbres Pass to Chama. We had a little bit of time once at the Chama depot to enjoy the yard before finding our seats.
For the last few years we’ve been riding the Cumbres and Toltec from Chama to Antonito. With all the water and snow this past year, the Chama Valley was really green and healthy. It was a perfect summer day for a train ride and we spent most of the ride out in the open air car. Rich, our Docent for the mad the train ride even more fantastic with his wealth of knowledge of the train and area. At Osier, we stopped for lunch. They changed the menu for lunch, though still great food, it wasn’t the meatloaf that I’ve come to love. After lunch, we were back out in the open air car, soaking in the rest of the day. Passing by places like Rock Tunnel and Toltec Gorge, Mud Tunnel and Lava Tank. Shortly after Hangman’s Trestle, we spotted our friend Ross and Nelda in there 100 series Land Cruiser. They followed along side the train all the way into the Antonito yard.
Back at camp, we settled in around the campfire for another fantastic evening. I enjoyed another sunset then some great food. It sure felt great enjoying a fine summer evening around the campfire with great friends.
#488 waiting to depart the Chama train yard.

Making our way through the Chama Valley.

A fantastic Summer day.

He was enjoying the day:).

Making the climb up to Windy Point.

Looking back down the Chama Valley from Windy Point. Some fine views.

Coming into Cumbres Pass. A quick stop so #488 can take on water.

Nelda and Ross chased our train for the day. Fun seeing them at different spots along the line.

Tanglefoot Curve.

Coming into the Los Pinos Valley.

Rio de Los Pinos River.

We spotted this herd of Elk along the river. Note the little ones.

Looking down on the Rio de Los Pinos River.

Coming into Osier. Next stop, lunch!

Jack and Sara getting a tour of the cab for #488.

Heading out after lunch and departing Osier.

Rock Tunnel.

Looking back on Toltec Gorge.

Jack and Sarah enjoying the day.

Mud Tunnel.

Brian taking it all in.

Sublette behind us with camp just above the old track maintenance town.

Coming up to Big Horn Wye.

Big Horn Mountain.

Afternoon vistas. Coming into the San Luis Valley.

San Antonio Mountain.

Lava Tank.

Another Colorado/New Mexico State Line crossing. Crosses 11 times.

Antonito in the distance.

We spotted Ross and Nelda just past Hangman’s Trestle.

They chased us all the way into Antonito.

Another fine sunset to end the day.

With bellies full, we settled in for another great night around the campfire with great friends.