Wednesday is the first official day for Cruise Moab. Mostly filled with people checking in. Registration and getting vehicle checked in via safety inspection. This usually fills up the day for the fellow club members that are either on the Cruise Moab committee, or volunteering for the event. Once through this process, most will go out on a unofficial trail run.
I tagged along with my pals Jackson and Drew for a pre run over Poison Spider Mesa. Drew was scheduled to lead it on Saturday, with a group of about 20 vehicles, so he just wanted to make sure he had all the lines down. For myself, I just wanted to see where I was at with that kind of wheeling. My pal Jackson is certified in 4wheel drive training and always great to wheel with. Yet, near the “Z Turn”, I decided to park the 4runner and ride along for the rest of the day and take pictures. Jackson took Drew and I up a portion of “Where Eagles Dare” to take in the view of Corona Arch. From there, we headed back down the trail. Unfortunately, while Drew was understanding the proper line on the “Z Turn” with Jackson, he ended up braking his 100 series Land Cruiser pretty bad. It ended up taking us almost two hours to get Drew off that obstacle and to a spot that he could leave his Land Cruiser and not block the trail. Other than Drews trail breakage, it was a great day out on the trails in Moab.
A moody morning at the trailhead for Poison Spider.

My pals Jackson and Drew. Jackson was showing Drew the proper line for the “Z Turn”. Drew did this obstacle a few times to understand the best line for when he would officially be leading a group through for Cruise Moab.

Jackson on the “Z Turn”.


Drew on another attempt with the “Z Turn”. Learning his lines for when he has to lead the trail.

Jackson on the Wedge obstacle. Always a fun one.

Drews turn.

Some always fine views of the La Sals.

Desert blooms.

Climbing into “Where Eagles Dare” section of Poison Spider. This would be my first time on this section of trail.

Jackson spottingDrew.

A fine view of Corona Arch.

Drew coming back down the “Z Turn”.

Drew learning the line of the “Z Turn” one last time. sadly, as he made his climb up, he’d end up breaking.
