After taking the 4runner over to Slee off Road for some heavier rear springs ( the 4runner has been sagging in the rear a bit after getting the rear bumper done last spring), I was excited to have the 4runner out at Cruise Moab this year. But the trip turned into a “Plan B” after taking the 4runner in for a oil change and tire rotation. We’ve known that the Power Steering Rack has been going bad, but after this last visit, I was told it finally had gone bad and that I shouldn’t be driving it out on the trails in Moab (ATLR has supported Cruise Moab for many years). So knowing that, I set out with a change of plans. First, setting up A rental through work.
I originally took a week off for Cruise Moab knowing we go out into the desert a few days before hand and go explore, with my “Plan B”, I enjoyed a long weekend off, worked Monday then picked up the rental Tuesday. After loading up, I set out for Moab. After a slight detour outside Eagle, I pulled into Spanish Trails arena. Cruise Moab HQ and camping. Spent the evening catching up with a few friends.
Wednesday is always Registration and Tech Inspection for the event. So spent most of the day helping out. Always fun seeing everyone come in for the event. Catch up with long time friends and check out all the cool rigs. That evening, a few of us went over to the Moab Brewery for a early dinner.
Thursday I hoped in with my pal Matt as he was leading Copper Ridge. While at the meeting spot, we found out the he was the only rig on the run. After looking up some trails, we decided to join up with the Crystal Geyser group. A run both of us had never done before. Even though we’ve been to Crystal Geyser many times. Other then a few obstacles, the trail was mild and had some great views. “D Pass” seemed to be the most challenging obstacle for the day. Spending a few hours there getting some of the milder built rigs through. Once at Crystal Geyser, Matt and I B lined it back to Moab and Cruise Moab HQ. Back at the Spanish Trails arena, I set up my little booth for my Cruise Moab Posters, rental car and all, amongst the nicely built rigs and started selling posters. Thanks to all who bought a poster this year, it means a lot! After vendor night, we enjoyed some drinks before calling it a night.
Friday I took the day off and enjoyed a personnel day. something I try to do every year. After walking around Moab, odd to not see Tom Till’s gallery there this year, headed back to camp and chilled out. Later that evening we headed over to the arena for the dinner and raffle. Such a good crowd! Of course I never one anything. Good food and wonderful company. Back at camp, another fun filled evening with great friends.
I had planned to ride along Saturday for another trail ride, but ended up hopping in with my pal Kurt and headed up to a friends ranch in the La Sals. It was actually really great to get back to our friends ranch and check out the progress he has made. After showing us around, we headed out into the field and spent the next few hours helping fix a broken bobcat. Other then getting doused with hydraulic fluid, it was a fun time hanging out. The weather was absolutely perfect. We said our goodbyes and headed back down the hill to town. A great day to end Moab. From there, I packed up and slowly made my way back home.
Took the 4runner over to Slee Off Road in May to get some heavier rear springs installed. Leveling out the rear end finally after getting the bumper installed lastyear.

Sadly, after Slee I took the 4runner over to ATLR for an oil change and tire rotation. Was informed that the rack and pinion that had been going bad, finally went bad. A bit bummed to yet again not be driving the 4runner out to Cruise Moab, I set out getting a rental through work. Definitely a nice benefit, but missed having my 4runner out there. After loading the rental, I headed West.

In Moab and settled in at Cruise Moab HQ ( Old Spanish Trails Arena). spent the first evening hanging out and catching up with friends. Here Sarah figures out the proper placement to cook engine burritos.

Camp starting to fill up.

Wednesday morning and the start of Cruise Moab. A full day of tech inspection and registrations. We had a big line first thing Wed morning.

Apparently it’s been a while since I had the camera out. Tried to take some fun shots of registration/tech inspection but set the camera to the wrong settings.

Toyota showing of the new Land Cruiser.

A fine sunset from camp.

Thursday I hoped in and rode along with my pal Matt. The trail he was supposed to lead was Copper Ridge, but after finding we were the only ones on the trail for the day, we joined up with the Crystal Geyser group. Having been to Crystal Geyser many times, this was a fun way to see it.

At the trail head airing down.

Boyd was happy to be out.

Making our way down the trail. Felt good to be out!

Loved the colors on the rock.

Neil is driving the red FJ80. We were behind him most of the day. Long time friend from the club.

Corey in his nicely built 200 series Land Cruiser. All the way out from New York.

Body in his nicely built FJ80 Land Cruiser.

Neil and Matt. I rode along with Matt for the day.

Some fine desert vistas.

Making our way up the first major obstacle.

Corey’s turn.

Scott and his nicely built 80.

Loved this scene of Neil and Boyd with the tall cliff in the background.

A nicely built Jeep. He also has a few Land Cruisers.

Some nice Land Cruiser views along the trail:).

A fine lunch stop amongst the cottonwoods.

And a corral.

Another small ledge to climb. Most walked up it with out to much trouble.

Working our way through the badlands.

D Pass.

This mildly built 100 series had a bit of a tough time making the climb up the pass. Corey in his 200 series waits his turn.