After turning around and accepting defeat from Fable Valley, My pal Martin and I continued the drive to Canyonlands on Highway 211. After finding out they had a campsite available in Devils Kitchen (Pre Covid days), we hopped on it, aired down the tires and started our trek over Elephant Hill. We had a beautiful day for a drive through Canyonlands. After a wonderful night camped in Devils Kitchen, we continued our trek South, spending a night in the Valley of the Gods. A first time visit for me.
Dropping down the back side of Elephant Hill.

Further along on the trail and passing through the Squeeze. Crazy to think that H1 Hummers have passed through this section.

Camp for the night in Devils Kitchen. Always a good spot.

Fine views from camp.

Desert bloom.

Evening sets in.

Next morning and further along on the E-Hill trail.


SOB Hill.

Martin on the Silver Stairs.

Indian Paintbrushes in bloom.

A short hike to the Confluence overlook.

Confluence of the Green and Colorado Rivers. Always some spectacular views!

Heading back out from the Confluence overlook to the main trail.

Heading back up E-Hill.

First views of the Valley of the Gods. A first visit for me as we continued our trek further into the Desert.

Some fine country!

Martin and I stopped shortly after entering the Valley of the Gods to take in the views.

Martin and I seemed to stop quite a bit during our evening drive through the Valley of the Gods while searching for camp.

Some great evening light.

Camp for the night. Another fine night out in the desert.

Up early again to catch the morning light.


Mornings warmth.

Climbing up the Moki Dugway.

Looking back down on the Valley of the Gods. Amazing place.